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  • 刘芳舟

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2015.09—2021.12 上海交通大学安泰经济与必赢网址bwi437,硕博士

2011.09—2015.06 中山大学必赢网址bwi437,学士


2018.09—2019.09 莱斯大学,访学


2022/02—至今 必赢网址bwi437,讲师







【1】Ma, A., Savani, K., Liu, F., Tai, K., & Kay, A. C. The Mutual Constitution of Culture and Psyche: The Bidirectional Relationship Between Individuals’ Perceived Control and Cultural Tightness–Looseness. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.

【2】Liu, F., Li, P., Taris, T. W., & Peeters, M. C. (2022). Creative performance pressure as a double‐edged sword for creativity: The role of appraisals and resources. Human Resource Management,2022, 61(6), 663-679.

【3】Zhang, L., Liang, J., & Liu, F. (2022). I spoke up, did you hear? The impact of voice (in) congruence on employee-initiated constructive changes. Human Relations.

【4】Liu, F., & Zhou, K. (2021). Idiosyncratic deals and creative deviance: the mediating role of psychological entitlement. R&D Management, 51(5), 433-446.

【5】Liu, F., Liang, J., & Chen, M. (2021). The danger of blindly following: Examining the relationship between authoritarian leadership and unethical pro-organizational behaviors. Management and Organization Review, 17(3), 524-550.

【6】Liu, F., & Dong, M. (2020). Perspective taking and voice solicitation: a moderated mediation model. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 58(4), 504-526.

【7】梁建, 刘芳舟, 樊景立 (2017).中国管理研究中的量表使用取向(2006~2015):关键问题与改进建议.管理学季刊, 2017,2(02):41-63+127.


【1】Feng, Z., Ma, A., & Liu, F. *(2023, June). The Competence Buffer: Perceived Competence Reduces the Dominance Penalty in Gender and Leadership Effectiveness. Paper will be presented at 2023 International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Hong Kong.

【2】Ma, A., Paek, J. J. W., Kim, J. Y., & Liu, F. (2022, Aug). Birds of a Feather Seek Help From Each Other: A Control-Motivated Account of Similarity Attraction. Paper presented at 2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Seattle, USA.

【3】Ma, A., Paek, J.*, Liu, F. Kim, J.Y. (February 2022). Control, homophily, and help-seeking. Talk presented at Annual Meeting for the Society for Personality and Social Psychology (virtual).

【4】Liu, F., Ma, A.*, Savani, K. (2021, Aug.). Perceived Threat of Covid-19, Collectivism and Employee Creativity. Paper presented at 2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

【5】Liu, F., Li, P. *, Peeters, M. C., & Taris, T. W. (2021, April). Can you handle the pressure? The effect of creative performance pressure on stress appraisals and creativity.

Paper presented at 2021 Annual Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology Conference.

【6】Liu, F., Liang, J., Zhou, J., & Shu, R. (2021, June). Voice form, frame valence and voice endorsement. Paper will be presented at 2021 International Association for Chinese Management Research Conference, Xi’ an, China.

【7】Li, P., Liu, F. *, Taris, T. W., & Peeters, M. C.(2021, Aug.). Challenge, Hindrance, or Threat? A Systematic Review of Appraisal-Based Approaches in Work Stressor. Paper presented at 2021 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

【8】Ma, A., Liu, F. *, Savani, K. (2020, Aug.). Sparking creativity during a crisis: Collectivism buffers the negative effects of perceived threat of Covid-19 on employees’ anxiety and creativity. Paper presented at the OB Plenary session at 80th Academy of Management Annual Meeting (Video record are also featured in “Gallery of COVID-19 Studies in OB” and Financial Times).

【9】Liu, F., & Zhou, K. (2020, June). I-deals and creative deviance: The mediating role of psychological entitlement. Paper presented at 2020 Annual Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology Virtual Conference.


【1】于洪彦, 刘芳舟, 梁建. (译)(2018). 科学的规范结构 (Robert K. Merton). 见 徐淑英, 李绪红, 贾良定,梁建,仲为国,井润田,希瑟·道格拉斯(编) 负责任的管理研究:哲学与实践 (pp. 38-45). 北京: 北京大学出版社.

【2】刘武, 刘芳舟, 梁建. (译)(2018). 科学研究中价值观的结构 (Heather Douglas). 见 徐淑英, 李绪红, 贾良定,梁建,仲为国,井润田,希瑟·道格拉斯(编) 负责任的管理研究:哲学与实践 (pp. 68-95). 北京: 北京大学出版社.
