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【学术通知】英国杜伦大学教授何新明:Customer Concentration, Firm R&D Investment and Moderation Effects

  • 发布日期:2024-06-12
  • 点击数:



演讲主题:Customer Concentration, Firm R&D Investment and Moderation Effects

主 讲  人:何新明,英国杜伦大学教授

主 持  人:贺远琼,会计与财税系教授




何新明,英国国王学院博士,英国杜伦大学教授、“国际研究中心”主任、大学伦理委员会成员,英国文化协会(British Council)Study UK HEI顾问,厦门大学经济学院客座教授。主要研究方向:国际商务、国际战略、出口绩效、电子化与国际化绩效等。他是Journal of Business Research副主编、Asian Business & Management副主编、APJM, IMR和IJEM编委会成员。他是UKRI (UK Research and Innovation英国研究与创新院) Talent Peer Review College (同行评审院)成员、ESRC (Economic and Social Research Council英国经济与社会学研究理事会)评审、中国自然科学基金委“优青”项目评审。他的研究收获众多国际奖项,比如S Tamer Cavusgil Best Paper Award(CIMaR,Consortium for International Marketing Research,29th Annual Conference, Bodø, 2022)。他主持、参与过众多资助的研究项目,比如英国Charles Wilson‘Smart & Scale Up’of Regional SMEs Research Grant: Global Smart Hub、英国AHRC项目以及中国自然科学基金、中国社会科学基金与中国教育部项目。


Building on resource dependence theory (RDT) and attention-based view (ABV), this research examines the impact of customer concentration on firm R&D investment and the conditional factors. We argue a firm with heavy reliance on a restricted number of major customers will have a lower level of firm R&D investment due to loss of discretion in decision-making and increase operational risks. Moreover, the external environmental factors - competitive intensity, intellectual property right (IPR) protection - and the internal cognitive factor - management myopia - of the firm will exacerbate the negative effect. Using econometric modelling, we examine a large sample of A-share listed firms in Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets spanning 2008-2017 (14,203 firm-year observations), the findings support our hypotheses. Furthermore, the results withstand a series of robustness checks, including the instrumental variable method and propensity score matching. This research adds to the customer concentration studies and RDT literature by uncovering a dark side of firms’concentrated customer base and the situational factors that strengthen this effect. It also marks an early empirical analysis of ABV-based prediction.


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