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【学术通知】香港城市大学商学院教授杨志林:Unveiling the Impact of Supplier ESG Disclosures on Buyer Firms: A Social Network Perspective

  • 发布日期:2024-03-29
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演讲主题: Unveiling the Impact of Supplier ESG Disclosures on Buyer Firms: A Social Network Perspective

主 讲 人杨志林,香港城市大学商学院教授

主 持 人: 王梦阳,市场营销系副教授




杨志林,香港城市大学商学院市场营销学系教授,华人学者营销协会主席。入选斯坦福大学发布的“2022全球前2%顶尖科学家榜”,获香港城市大学“大学研究卓越奖”及商学院“研究卓越奖”。在Journal of Marketing 、Journal of Marketing Research等高质量国际英文学术刊物发表110多篇论文。现任Asian Journal of Business Research主编,Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing 主编,European Journal of Marketing副主编。创办了亚洲商业协会(Asian Business Association, ABA)和华人学者营销协会 (China Marketing International Conference, CMIC)。


This study investigates the influence of supplier Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) disclosures on buyer firms' ESG disclosures from a social network perspective. Drawing on social network theory, we examine how suppliers' network positions shape buyers' ESG disclosure practices. Using a sample of 157 unique buyer firms, 839 supplier firms, and 1,350 buyer-supplier relationships across diverse industry sectors from 2017 to 2021, our findings reveal a significant and positive relationship between suppliers' ESG disclosures and buyers' ESG disclosures. Moreover, this relationship is moderated by the supplier's network indicators, namely degree centrality and betweenness centrality, which enhance the visibility and influence of suppliers' ESG disclosures within the network. We also find that buyers' competitive position in the product market weakens this influence, indicating that more competitive buyers have greater autonomy in developing their ESG strategies. Furthermore, our research demonstrates that the impact of suppliers' ESG disclosures on buyers becomes increasingly significant over time. These findings emphasize the importance of considering supply chain dynamics and the competitive landscape when assessing and enhancing ESG practices within firms. Our study contributes to the expanding literature on ESG disclosures by highlighting the critical role of supply chain relationships and social network structures in shaping corporate ESG transparency.


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