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【学术通知】英国兰卡斯特大学商学院副教授姜宇:Towards User-Centric Integrated Urban Transport System Planning and Operation

  • 发布日期:2024-01-12
  • 点击数:



演讲主题:Towards User-Centric Integrated Urban Transport System Planning and Operation

主 讲 人姜宇,英国兰卡斯特大学商学院副教授、兼丹麦技术大学副教授

主 持 人: 王玥,供应链管理与系统工程系讲师




Dr Yu Jiang is an associate professor at Lancaster University Management School, United Kingdom and Technical University of Denmark, Denmark. He received his PhD, master’s and bachelor’s degrees from Hong Kong University, National University of Singapore. His recent research focuses on public transportation system optimisation and modelling integrated people-and-goods transportation systems. He has published over 40 papers in leading international journals, including Transportation Science, Transportation Research Part A/B/C/E, and the European Journal of Operational Research. He is the recipient of the Independent Research Fund (3 million DKK), the only Chinese PI in the public transportation domain and a task leader of a Horizon Europe project funded by the European Union (4 million EUR).


There has been a growing attraction to the integrated movement of passengers and goods. Within this context, I initially argue that the integration can be classified into two dimensions: vertical and horizontal. On the one hand, the integration should focus on user experience. Such a concept needs to be embedded into the planning and operation processes, which is desirable to be addressed simultaneously in one model. On the other hand, the integration should go beyond conventional multimodality and embrace emerging modes from passenger transport and urban logistics. A holistic framework that sets up the future agenda is proposed. My recent works along this theme are presented. The mathematical models and solution algorithms associated with each work will be introduced, and the results will be briefly discussed.


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