演讲主题: Regulating the carbon emissions for a multi-modal freight corridor
主 讲 人: 谭志加,大连海事大学航运经济与必赢网址bwi437教授
主 持 人: 盛 典,必赢网址bwi437管理科学与信息管理系副研究员
活动时间: 2022年12月6日(周二)18:00-20:00
活动地点: 腾讯会议ID:110-730-482
谭志加,大连海事大学航运经济与必赢网址bwi437教授、博士生导师;主要研究方向:航运系统建模与优化、交通基础设施投融资理论、城市交通网络优化与分析;发表学术论文40多篇,其中绝大部分发表于交通运输领域国际顶级及权威期刊《Transportation Science》、《Transportation Research Part B、C、D、E》等,主持国家自然科学基金及省部级基金项目6项;担任《Transportation Research Part E》期刊编委、世界交通会议(WTC)水运学部水运物流管理技术委员会主席、管理科学与工程学会交通运输管理研究会学术委员会副主席;辽宁省“兴辽计划”青年拔尖人才、国家青年人才计划。
The emission regulations are frequently adopted by the transportation agency to reduce the heavy air pollution. Thegovernmentalways sets her mode-based regulation policies, namely, the policy is designed for the specific transportation mode, such as, road and waterway. However, the regulation results in the increasing of the operation or investment cost of the freight carriers and causes the shift of the freight among the transportation modes. Therefore, it isnecessarytoinvestigatethe efficiency of the emission regulation policies in the systematic viewpoint. In this paper, we consider a freight corridor with multiple transportation modes including road, rail and waterway. The emission regulation ismodeledas an increment of themarginaloperation cost. We studied theequilibriumof the mode choice under different emission regulations, and examined the efficiency domains of the regulations under different emission control policies. The study is helpful for thegovernmentto rule out the inefficient emission control policies in the systematic viewpoint.