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【学术通知】上海交通大学安泰经济与必赢网址bwi437博士生高佳:Save Time or Save Face? The social Presence Effect and Hearding Effect in the Use of Facial Recognition Payment Technology in Retail

  • 发布日期:2021-06-23
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演讲主题: Save Time or Save Face? The social Presence Effect and Hearding Effect in the Use of Facial Recognition Payment Technology in Retail

主  讲  人: 高   佳,上海交通大学安泰经济与必赢网址bwi437博士生

主  持  人: 关   旭,必赢网址bwi437生产运作与物流管理系教授

活动时间: 2021年6月25日(周五)10:00-11:30

活动地点: 必赢网址bwi437大楼207室


高佳是上海交通大学安泰经济与必赢网址bwi437的高年级博士生。 他的研究兴趣主要为运营管理、信息系统以及个人行为的交叉融合。研究主要运用计量方法, 推断信息技术的采用与企业员工以及消费者行为变化之间的因果关系。在确立的因果关系的基础之上, 分析这些行为变化对于企业运营绩效的影响, 以及如何利用信息技术, 引导员工以及消费者的行为来改善社会整体福利水平。此外,高佳对微观理论和应用计量也有研究兴趣。


Although facial recognition (FR) payment technology can be more convenient for customers and reduce their costs, it is still not consistently used by many customers in retail. Using transaction data collected from three retail chains, we develop econometric models and an estimation strategy for examining the social presence and herding effects that affect FR Payment technology use. Our key findings are that: (1) Customers are less likely to use FR payment technology when more customers are in line behind them, waiting and watching; that is, the social presence effect. (2) Customers are more likely to use FR payment technology when the immediately preceding customers use FR payment technology; that is, the herding effect. And, (3) Customers with more experience in using FR payment technology are subject to a weaker social presence effect. The marginal social presence effect can result in a 5.47% reduction in the probability of the focal customer using FR payment technology and that the potentialsocial presenceeffect is as high as 51.69%.When the focal customer has one additional experience in using FR payment technology, the social presence effect is reduced by 7.02%.The herding effect can result in an 18.30% increase inthe probability of the focal customer using FR payment technology。


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