演讲主题: Promising Delivery Speed in Online Retail
主 讲 人: 崔若濛,埃默里大学教授
主 持 人: 张意成,必赢网址bwi437管理科学与信息管理系讲师
活动时间: 2021年6月22日(周二)8:30-10:00
活动地点: 线上腾讯会议,会议ID:276 779 814,会议密码:210622
崔若濛,本科毕业于清华大学工业工程系,于2014年在美国的西北大学(Northwestern University)的Kellogg必赢网址bwi437获得运营管理博士学位,现在美国排名前20的埃默里大学(Emory University)任职教授。担任管理领域顶级期刊《Manufacturing and Service Operations Management》和《Production and Operations Management》的高级主编。同时也任职于澳大利亚研究委员会发现项目(Australian Research Council Discovery Projects)的咨询委员会,担任香港研究资助局(Research Grants Council of Hong Kong)的研究项目评审专家。曾担任10多个国际会议的会议主席和程序委员会主席,20次担任顶级国际论文大赛裁判官,担任国际学术组织INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group的财务主管。崔教授的主要研究方向有运营战略、经济学、数字化转型的理论及应用,给阿里巴巴,百度,亚马逊等多家公司提供过战略战术分析咨询。在国际知名的管理领域顶级期刊发表论文15余篇,其中管理科学期刊《Management Science》6篇,制造和服务运营管理期刊《Manufacturing and Service Operations Management》4篇,生产和运营管理期刊《Production and Operations Management》1篇,哈佛商业评论《Harvard Business Review》2篇,商业案例2篇。Google Scholar的论文总引用数达到559,h-index为11。研究荣获多个奖项,包括2020年阿里巴巴创新研究奖,2020年最佳社会意义研究奖(2020 M&SOM Society Award for Responsible Research),2019年INFORMS青年教授最佳论文竞赛奖(2019 INFORMS Junior Faculty Interest Group Paper Competition),2019年INFORMS服务科学最佳论文奖(2019 INFORMS Service Science Section Best Paper Competition),2019年M&SOM基于实践的最佳论文竞赛奖(2019 M&SOM Practice-Based Paper Competition),2017年INFORMS行为科学管理最佳论文奖(2017 INFORMS Behavioral Operations Management Section Best Working Paper),和2014年POMS供应链管理学生论文竞赛奖(2014 POMS Supply Chain Management Student Paper Competition)。
Online retailers have to provide customers with an estimate of how fast an order can be delivered before they purchase it. Retailers can strategically adjust this delivery speed promise online without changing offline infrastructure, and it may fundamentally impact business outcomes. It can influence consumers' purchasing decisions and post-purchase experiences, often in the opposite direction. On one hand, an aggressive (i.e., faster) delivery estimate could ensure that more customers meet their deadlines and thus may increase their purchases ex ante. On the other hand, an aggressive estimate tends to overpromise customers, risking a longer than expected wait time, which can lower customer satisfaction and increase product returns ex post. In this research, we study the causal effect of retailers' delivery speed promise on customer behaviors and business performance. Collaborating with Collage.com, an online retailer that sells customized photo products across the US, we exogenously varied the disclosed delivery speed estimates online while keeping the physical delivery speed unchanged. Using a difference-in-differences identification and a dataset with 212,340 transactions in 7,090 cities, we find that a one-day faster promise increases sales by 0.73%, profits by 2.0%, and value per order by 3.5%; a one-day slower promise reduces sales by 0.51%, profits by 2.7%, and value per order by 3.1%. However, the aggressive disclosure increases product returns and deteriorates customer retention. Our findings provide managerial insights that retailers could leverage to customize their delivery promises.